An English Medium, Co-Educational, CBSE Affiliated School, under Affiliation Number 530314

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Mission for Achievement
Under government of India’s directive, this school has framed a MISSION to achieve the goals by this institution to touch educational target by the end of 2022 when the nation will be celebrating its 75th year of independence. Mission statement has been prepared and posted on the homepage of the school’s website. This statement can be changed keeping in view of the demand of the society. This mission statement includes the practical involvement and actions. The following pastilles have been remarked to achieve the target.
College Road, Mandi Adampur, Distt. Hisar - Haryana [125052]
Contact: 9416091798, 9812774777, 9466470900
Copyright 2010. Shanti Niketan Public School. Webmaster: Anand Sharma [] - 09671740015